Risk of large-scale agriculture

Inefficient systems with their enormous space requirements not only destroy nature, but are also unreliable and can only be operated at enormous expense.

Risk of large-scale agriculture
Inefficient systems with their enormous space requirements not only destroy nature, but are also unreliable and can only be operated at enormous expense.

  Risk Water demand

Here to a table with the water demand of agriculture.

What to do when it gets drier and warmer? Less water, which then evaporates even faster. Gigantic seawater desalination plants, gigantic infrastructure to bring water to the fields? Illusion, large-scale agriculture is overindebted and emaciated. In the past, a farmer with 200 hectares of land in Austria would have been called a rich landowner, today such a farmer has to wait for the next subsidy transfer to buy a GPS control for his tractor for 12,000 EUR. 15 km pipeline from the Danube to an increasingly dry field? Far too expensive, unaffordable at today's agricultural prices.

  Risk nitrate in groundwater

Farmers are protesting vehemently against the EU limit of a maximum of 50 mg nitrate/litre groundwater. It is a question of existence, of being allowed to pollute groundwater or of its perishing.

  Risk lack of phosphorus

Human beings, animals and plants cannot live without phosphorus: However, this vital raw material will soon be in danger of becoming scarce - and nothing can replace it.

When brought to the field as fertilizer, it is washed out and washed into the sea. The over-fertilisation of the seas threatens especially shallow seas like the Baltic Sea. The Global Phosphorus Research Initiative (GPRI) estimates that 8 to 15 million tonnes of phosphorus are washed into the sea every year. Wheat contains 2.7 to 3.2 g of phosphorus per kg. 1 kg of phosphorus is sufficient for 350 kg of wheat. 8 million tonnes of phosphorus are sufficient for 2,800 million tonnes of grain, 15 million tonnes of phosphorus are sufficient for 5,250 million tonnes of grain.

Many times the phosphorus required for the world production of 750 million tons of wheat is simply flushed directly from the field into the sea.

We can no longer afford to waste such a vital resource in such a way in large-scale agriculture!

  Risk toxic chemicals

All the chemicals used to control insects, weeds, fungus, how harmful is this really?

The 1000 m² Civilization The 1000 m² Civilization
More space for nature, more space for humans, stop wasting land through inefficient use, stop destroying nature for the nonsensically inefficient.

The 111 Rule: 1 m² 1 EUR 1 year The 111 Rule: 1 m² 1 EUR 1 year
Is it possible to pay EUR 1 land use tax per square meter per year for this application? This is modified with partial use and partial nature.

Example Germany Example Germany
With 233 inhabitants per km², Germany is four times more densely populated than the world average. This is how the 1,000 m² society and 100% renewable energy works.

          Risk of large-scale agriculture: Inefficient systems with their enormous space requirements not only destroy nature, but are also unreliable and can only be operated at enormous expense. https://1000sqm.pege.org/risk/